Parents are strongly encouraged to contribute by participating and volunteering 30 hours per year. AJJCS will provide many opportunities for parents to volunteer in ways which reflect their own skills, interest, and talents, as well as taking into consideration classroom/program needs and the constraints of family, work, and other commitments outside of school. The involvement of parents and families ensures that students, educators and parents partner together to make the school a safe, nurturing and inclusive community. Involved families makes AJJCS a special place!
No child will be excluded from AJJCS activities due to the failure of his or her parent or legal guardian to fulfill the encouraged 30 hours of annual participation. Parent involvement is not a requirement for acceptance to, or continued enrollment at the Charter School.
AJJCS has an active Parent Teacher Organization that hosts Awards assemblies, Book Fair, Talent Show, Fall Carnival, Spring Carnival, Teacher and Staff Appreciation, and lots of fun activities for students and our families. Get involved and stay involved. You make a difference!
The purpose of the SSC is to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program, and participate in the development and approval of the school’s LCAP/SPSA.
At a minimum, the SSC must:
Agnes J. Johnson Charter School
73 School Road / P.O. Box 116, Weott, CA 95571
Phone: 707-946-2347 Fax: 707-946-2507